Massage therapy is a broad term used to describe numerous methods of handbook (hands on) treatment which is used to promote tissue health, ease discomfort and increase functionality of a body, be it human or animal. The type of massage treatment which will benefit an individual differs greatly according to his or her specific concern or injury and state of health. There is something for everybody, and it is wise for customers to examine their choices to discover what works for them.
The most typically recognized type of massage is Swedish Massage, established by Per Henrik Ling in the late 1700 and early 1800's. During a massage therapy treatment that mainly consists of Swedish techniques, other methods, which may require further or specific training, can be used.
Relaxation, sports, pregnancy, infant and geriatric massage all include aspects of Swedish strategies.
Relaxation massage tends to be slower and more balanced than a treatment oriented therapeutic massage and its main goal is to increase relaxation of the customer. In baby massage, therapists teach moms and dads how to deal with their own babies, which is an excellent bonding experience and may assist parents relieve colic and assist their children sleep much better. For special populations or conditions, such as pregnancy or geriatric massage, the application of methods requires to be modified to match the needs of the customer.
Sports massage therapy consists not only of Swedish techniques, however also of stretching, consisting of "active inhibition" strategies, and can be performed either pre or post-event. Sports massage therapy that is performed pre-event uses fast, balanced motions to warm up and stretch the muscles, preparing them for the need to be placed on them. Post-event sports massage is slower and is done to eliminate discomfort, swelling, assist in the elimination of metabolic waste and to decrease recovery time. Massage treatment for athletes and physical fitness lovers is likewise an excellent upkeep tool which can resolve muscular imbalances and injuries and assist them accomplish ideal efficiency.
Deep Tissue Massage Treatment basically consists of Swedish strategies which are used at a much deeper level of the tissue. To carry out any type of massage efficiently, but specifically deep tissue, the muscles must be heated up at a shallow level to permit the therapist to go into the much deeper layers and address constraints found there. It is a good idea for therapists who wish to practice "deep tissue" to have a hi-lo table and get specialized training to assist hem maintain their own body, back and joint health. It is suggested for new massage therapy customers to develop to a deep tissue type of therapy as it is not ideal for everybody and may be painful for someone who is not accustomed to manual therapy.
The objective of this treatment is to minimize or get rid of the trigger point, therefore relieving discomfort. Trigger point therapy is integrated into Swedish massage treatments which assists in warming up and stretching the tissue post and pre release respectively.
Frictions or Friction treatment is an extremely localized, particular strategy utilized to break down adhesions and scar tissue which may cause pain and hinder movement. Friction therapy is not used alone, but is integrated into a routine where Swedish strategies are utilized to warm up the tissue and to aid blood circulation to get rid of metabolic waste post friction.
Myofascial release treatment, likewise called fascial release, includes manipulation and extending of the fascia - connective tissue which frames muscles, nerves, organs and bones in the body. To effectively engage the tissue and anchor, no oil or other mediums are used, as "slide" over tissue is inadequate in most myofascial methods.
Manual lymph drain, also called lymphatic, lymph or lymphedema massage, is a series of mild motions used to promote the flow of lymphatic fluid in the body, thereby easing discomfort and blockage. This kind of therapy is best to help in the reduction of swelling post injury, and is also used to minimize swelling post surgical treatment. MLD, as it is frequently known, is also utilized with excellent success for females who have a mastectomy, however, special training is required for therapists to deal with when lymph nodes have been eliminated.
In most massage treatment training, the focus is mainly on Swedish techniques, but the above modalities may be discovered as an accessory to Swedish massage, or as continuing education.
Active release is a trademarked therapy which encompasses numerous movements while tissue is being controlled. The term "active" refers to the truth that the client voluntarily contracts his/her muscles as techniques are used. This treatment needs specialized training and accreditation.